Wednesday, May 28, 2008

P.E.P. Olympics

We rode down to Washington Park this morning to hand out flyers (still looking for a few good kids) at the P.E.P. Olympics. Just to liven things up a bit, we brought bikes and rollers attached to a computer.

Due to a technical problem, only one set up worked, so we rigged it with a timer and had time trials. Here are some of the fastest times over 150 meters:

Top girls:
Zaquina 16.20
Nakita 16.33
Carolyn 16.60

Top boys:
Kevin 14.60
Henry 14.80
Brian 15.20

Marcus had the brilliant last-minute idea to bring cow bells, so we yelled ourselves a little hoarse cheering them on --cowbells are way more fun than they sound. Congratulations to all who participated.

Special thanks to our friend Evan for being a computer genius and hooking us up with the equipment.


yojimblab said...

Good times!
Once trying the bikes on rollers- everyone was excited and got pretty competitive (look at the spreads).
Good cheering crowds formed around our table and the cowbells helped!
Thanks to all the program contributors and students who are making this happen!!

yojimblab said...

some photos from practices are here:

Unknown said...

Thanks for coming, the kids really had a great time! We can't wait to do more with you all!

Tarneka Manning
Student Services Liasion
Youth Connection Charter School